We are 3 students from EPFL in robotic master. Here is a quick description of our skills.


My name is Arthur Bricq, I like outdoor sports more than programming (but I do a lot more of programming than outdoor sports). I have a bachelor in mechanical engineering and I now study robotics, however I always was passionated by computer science and by all sort of programmings. I am open-source enthusiast. I have worked in many different languages, the ones I know the more are Python, Swift, Java, Javascript, C++ and Matlab. I’m curious about Bash and about Lisp, that I would like to learn when I find time.


My name is Taavet Kangur. I’ve always loved building things with my hands and using programming to make robots as I want. They got smaller as I studied Microtechnics as a bachelor and now are bigger as I’m finishing my master in Robotics at EPFL. C++ and Python are my main languages for progamming. Otherwise swimming and climing are my main favorite pasttimes when not working on projects.


My name is Diane Marquette. I’m a polyglot who’s passionate about languages. After only discussing with humans the first 16 years of my life, I decided it was time to learn how to chat with machines. I started my Bachelor’s in Microengineering at EPFL. I’m now doing a Masters in Robotics but focusing more on the programming part. I’m fluent in C, C++, and Python but also learned the basics of Java, Dart, and Assembly language.